emotional stability, have not made contacts with psychologists. Let us hear about their early backgrounds? I have a detailed plan in mind for making such a survey, and when I complete this letter, I am writing my suggestions to Ann Carll Reid of ONE. Perhaps THE LADDER would like to help?

ith best wishes for your work in TH CAUL, as well as for your personal lives

F.L., Peace Dale, R.I.

Regarding the survey you speak of, the DOB has already started such a project (see October LDDik, P. 6). Case histories of Lesbians in the San Francisco area are now in process, and a questionnaire is being prepared by our research committee for those in outlying areas. If you have some suggestions to make for this survey, send them in. -ED.

"I enjoy THE LADDER immensely, my favorite item to date being Dr. Blanche Baker's open lette 'pleading guilty in the April, 1957, issue. I'd enjoy knowing Dr. Bakeri"

J.A., Kansas City, Kan.

"I was wondering if you had heard of Radolyffe Hall's books of poetry such as 'The Forgotten Island' and 'Songs of Three Counties'. Both are most excellent and if you ever have a chance to come by them, they would be fine additions to your library. I prize my copies very much, but was lucky in getting them from an old private collection that was being disposed of. I'm still looking for: 'Twixt Earth and Stars', 'h Sheaf